Here are several more photos - once again please email us with names or corrections
Blog Editor Mike McDonald & David Holmes 1973-Kilbuck park

Steve Massengale, David Moore, Jerry Street, Donnie Adams, Miguel ?
Probably summer 1972
Far left partially obscured, Steve Heifner, 3 unknown males, Donnie Adams, Beth Robey
The second picture, the second person on from the left is David Moore. Dave is a good friend of mine and I know that at that time he frequented "Brother Jerry's" place a great deal. I sure miss those days. Jerry Van Dyke 11/23/07.
I would love to email Dave and re-connect with him after all these years. He was a great guy. Do you have his email address?
Were you at Jerry's during those days?
Mike McDonald
Yes please Jerry...I too knew David very well. He actually was a roadie in a band I was in and He came to Jerry's(I think for the first time)with Doug Melton and myself. I would love to reconnect. Dale Brown
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