Monday, October 30, 2006

New photos

I received these photos from Randy Hornbeck recently. I don't have names for everyone so, if you see someone and know the name please send me an email at

This photo is probably from late 1971
A group shot of people at Jerry's
This photo is obviously from the "Jerry's period, as Randy is not wearing eye-glasses. Most of us had quit wearing eye-glasses and were 'claiming" our healing. In the next photo you will see that Randy is again wearing eye-glasses some 2 1/2 years later

Left to right
Randy Hornbeck, Don Purciful, Mike Breese, unknown female, Donnie Adams

This second photo is from the beginnings of the Fellowship of Christian Believers. Taken March 1974

1st row bottom to top L-R
1. Bev & Matthew Saxon, Sharla Hughes & son Aaron, Judy Upperman & her son John
2. Jan Reason, Pam Peterson, Beth Roby, Carol Hepburn, Randy Hornbeck
3. Brenda Walker, Leslie Sempsrott Carol Horner
4. David Holmes, Mike Burnett, Keith?, Steve Heifner
5. Andy Absher, Jim Schweitzer, John Matthews, Donnie Adams, Lawrence Chewning, Bud Sempsrott


  1. I don't know if anyone realizes or not but John Mathews was killed in a motorcycle accident (I believe in 1991) in Cincinnati, Oh. John had just left the restaurant we owned a few hours earlier. He talked about taking a motorcycle he had just bought back home. Whenever he was in the area he would stop & say hello. John was a great friend. We would frequently talk of our days at Jerrys Place. Yes I do believe he was straight with the Lord. Dale Brown

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I knew John fairly well at one time. And I'm pretty sure that is not me in that photo although I did have a long beard around that time. Andy Abher
